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Plant species within the ORCHIDACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our ORCHIDACEAE family page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamily Native
Accepted Name Amerorchis rotundifolia round-leaved orchid Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Aplectrum hyemale puttyroot, Adam and Eve Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Arethusa bulbosa dragon’s mouth Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Calopogon tuberosus var. tuberosus grass pink Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Calypso bulbosa var. americana fairy slipper Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Corallorhiza maculata   Orchidaceae
Accepted Name Corallorhiza maculata var. maculata late spotted coralroot Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Corallorhiza maculata var. occidentalis early spotted coralroot Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Corallorhiza odontorhiza   Orchidaceae
Accepted Name Corallorhiza odontorhiza var. odontorhiza autumn coralroot Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Corallorhiza odontorhiza var. pringlei Pringle’s autumn coralroot Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Corallorhiza striata var. striata striped coralroot Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Corallorhiza trifida early coralroot Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Cypripedium acaule pink lady’s slipper Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Cypripedium arietinum ram’s head lady’s slipper Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Cypripedium candidum small white lady’s slipper Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Cypripedium parviflorum   Orchidaceae
Accepted Name Cypripedium parviflorum var. makasin northern small yellow lady’s slipper Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Cypripedium parviflorum var. parviflorum southern small yellow lady’s slipper Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens large yellow lady’s slipper Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Cypripedium reginae showy lady’s slipper Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Dactylorhiza viridis long-bracted orchid, frog orchid Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Epipactis helleborine helleborine, weed orchid Orchidaceae N
Accepted Name Epipactis palustris marsh helleborine Orchidaceae N
Accepted Name Galearis spectabilis showy orchid Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Goodyera pubescens downy rattlesnake plantain Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Goodyera repens dwarf rattlesnake plantain Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Goodyera tesselata checkered rattlesnake plantain Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Isotria medeoloides small whorled pogonia Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Isotria verticillata large whorled pogonia Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Liparis liliifolia lily-leaved twayblade Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Liparis loeselii Loesel’s twayblade Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Malaxis bayardii Bayard’s adder’s mouth Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Malaxis monophyllos var. brachypoda North American white adder’s mouth Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Malaxis unifolia green adder’s mouth Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Neottia auriculata auricled twayblade Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Neottia bifolia southern twayblade Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Neottia convallarioides broad-lipped twayblade Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Neottia cordata var. cordata heart-leaved twayblade Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Platanthera aquilonis northern green bog orchid Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Platanthera blephariglottis × P. ciliaris = P. ×bicolor two-colored fringed orchid Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Platanthera blephariglottis var. blephariglottis white fringed orchid Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Platanthera ciliaris orange fringed orchid Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Platanthera clavellata little club spur orchid Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Platanthera cristata orange crested orchid Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Platanthera dilatata var. dilatata white bog orchid, bog candle Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Platanthera flava var. herbiola northern tubercled orchid Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Platanthera grandiflora large purple fringed orchid Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Platanthera hookeri Hooker’s orchid Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Platanthera huronensis Lake Huron bog orchid Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Platanthera lacera ragged fringed orchid Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Platanthera lacera × P. psycodes = P. ×andrewsii Andrews’s fringed orchid Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Platanthera leucophaea eastern prairie fringed orchid Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Platanthera macrophylla large-spurred round-leaved orchid Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Platanthera obtusata blunt-leaved orchid Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Platanthera orbiculata small-spurred round-leaved orchid Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Platanthera psycodes lesser purple fringed orchid Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Pogonia ophioglossoides rose pogonia Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Spiranthes arcisepala Appalachian ladies’ tresses Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Spiranthes bightensis Atlantic ladies' tresses Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Spiranthes casei var. casei Case’s ladies’ tresses Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Spiranthes cernua nodding ladies’ tresses Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Spiranthes incurva Sphinx ladies’ tresses Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Spiranthes lacera   Orchidaceae
Accepted Name Spiranthes lacera var. gracilis southern slender ladies’ tresses Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Spiranthes lacera var. lacera northern slender ladies’ tresses Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Spiranthes lucida shining ladies’ tresses Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Spiranthes magnicamporum Great Plains ladies’ tresses Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Spiranthes ochroleuca yellow ladies’ tresses Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Spiranthes odorata fragrant ladies’ tresses Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Spiranthes ovalis var. erostellata October ladies’ tresses Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Spiranthes romanzoffiana hooded ladies’ tresses Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Spiranthes tuberosa little ladies’ tresses Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Spiranthes vernalis grass-leaved ladies’ tresses Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Tipularia discolor cranefly orchid Orchidaceae Y
Accepted Name Triphora trianthophoros ssp. trianthophoros three birds orchid Orchidaceae Y
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