Countless individuals and institutions have provided data, assistance, and funding for the Atlas. We sincerely thank all of these individuals and institutions for their contributions. Without them the Atlas would not exist in its current form. We ask for the apologies of any individual or institution that we have inadvertently excluded from our acknowledgments. Finally, while we thank the following individuals and institutions, the final decisions regarding the data in the atlas are the responsibility of the authors. Funding for the New York Flora Atlas was made intitally made possible through a New York State Biodiversity Research Institute grant and is support by donations and New York Flora Association memberships.
We graciously thank the following individuals and organizations for contributing to the photo collection of the Atlas. We are still looking to add more photographs, especially for species, plant parts, or developmental phases not represented. Contact Kyle Webster at for submission information or visit the New York Flora Association website for more information.
Photo Contributors: Aaron Heminway, Aissa L. FeldmannAlex Petzke, Alyssa Reid, Andrew Nelson, Brandon Cohen, Casey M. Tompkins, David Werier, Doug Goldman, Erik Danielson, Garrett Taylor, Jacqueline Donnelly, Joseph McMullen, Julie K. Covey, Justin Cambell, Kimberly Smith, Kyle Webster, Laura Sommers, Mark Carabetta, New York Natural Heritage Program, Rachel Shultz, Richard Ring, Sara R. Stebbins, Selma Rosenthal, Steven Daniel, Steven M. Young.
All photographs are copyright protected. Photos on the New York Flora Atlas may not be reproduced, distributed, modified, re-posted on another site (regardless of the server on which the Content is stored), sold, or exploited for any commercial purposes without specific written authorization from the New York Flora Association and/or the designated copyright holder (i.e., photographers who own copyright on their own images). All photos submitted to the New York Flora Atlas grant the New York Flora Association a royalty-free permanent license for use on the New York Flora Atlas. Permission for use of particular photographs can be obtained by contacting the authors who can further direct the request to the photographer or copyright holder in question.
We also thank the individuals who have contributed information or data, or have reviewed the atlas including: Ed Fuchs, Tim Howard (for provided the generic ecological community descriptions), Anne Johnson, John Kartesz (for digitizing the 1990 NY Flora Association Atlas and allowing us to start this project with a large dataset), Richard Mitchell (Former NY State Botanist: for helping to produce the original 1990 NY Flora Association Atlas and for the immense amount of NYS floristic work he has contributed), Andrew Nelson, Connie Tedesco, and Donna Vogler, Steve Young.
We also thank the following individuals for contributing information on taxonomy and nomenclature: Ihsan Al-Shehbaz, Arthur Haines, Barre Hellquist, Justin Ramsey, Jim Reveal, Leila Shultz, Clive Stace, John Strother, Gordon Tucker, and Steve Young.
We graciously thank the following institutions for maintaining their valuable specimen collections. In addition, we thank the various herbaria staff and volunteers who have contributed specimen data directly to the atlas including: BKL, BUF, CONN, NY, NYS, PLAT, RCFS, and SUCO. Finally, other institutions have allowed researchers to use their facilities to record data from their collections.