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Contains 23 genera and 85 accepted taxa overall.


Division Magnoliophyta - Flowering Plants
Class Magnoliopsida
Sub Class Caryophyllidae
Order Caryophyllales
Family Amaranthaceae


GenusCommon NameTaxa Count
Alternanthera 1
Amaranthus 17
Atriplex 10
Axyris 1
Bassia 2
Beta 1
Blitum 4
Celosia 2
Chenopodiastrum 2
Chenopodium 10
Corispermum 2
Dysphania 6
Froelichia 2
Gomphrena 2
Lipandra 3
Oxybasis 4
Polycnemum 1
Salicornia 3
Salsola 5
Spinacia 1
Spirobassia 1
Suaeda 4
Teloxys 1