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Contains 8 accepted taxa overall.

Family: Ericaceae
Common Name:


Division Magnoliophyta - Flowering Plants
Class Magnoliopsida
Sub Class Dilleniidae
Order Ericales
Genus Rhododendron


Citation **
Basionym: **
Type: **

** Not applicable or data not available.


Scientific NameCommon NameStatus
Rhododendron calendulaceum flame azaleaUnknown Native Status, Not Persisting, SNR (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 10
Rhododendron canadense RhodoraNative, Persisting, S2 (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 9
Rhododendron groenlandicum Labrador teaNative, Persisting, S4S5 (State Rank), CoC: 9
Rhododendron lapponicum Lapland rosebayNative, Persisting, S2 (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 10
Rhododendron maximum great rosebay, great laurelNative, Persisting, S4 (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 9
Rhododendron periclymenoides pinxter flowerNative, Persisting, S5 (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 7
Rhododendron prinophyllum early azaleaNative, Persisting, S5 (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 6
Rhododendron viscosum swamp azaleaNative, Persisting, S5 (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 7