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Plant species within the LYCOPODIACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our LYCOPODIACEAE family page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamily Native
Accepted Name Dendrolycopodium dendroideum prickly tree clubmoss, northern tree clubmoss Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Dendrolycopodium hickeyi Hickey’s tree clubmoss Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Dendrolycopodium obscurum flat-branched tree clubmoss Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Diphasiastrum complanatum northern ground cedar Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Diphasiastrum complanatum × D. digitatum = D. ×verecundum bashful ground cedar Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Diphasiastrum complanatum × D. tristachyum = D. ×zeilleri Zeiller’s ground cedar Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Diphasiastrum digitatum southern ground cedar Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Diphasiastrum digitatum × D. tristachyum = D. ×habereri Haberer’s ground cedar Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Diphasiastrum sitchense Sitka ground cedar Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Diphasiastrum sitchense × D. tristachyum = D. ×sabinifolium juniper-leaved ground cedar Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Diphasiastrum tristachyum blue ground cedar Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Huperzia appressa mountain firmoss Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Huperzia lucidula shining firmoss Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Huperzia lucidula × H. porophila = H. ×bartleyi Bartley’s firmoss Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Huperzia selago northern firmoss Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Lycopodiella alopecuroides foxtail bog clubmoss Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Lycopodiella alopecuroides × L. appressa = L. ×copelandii Copeland’s bog clubmoss Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Lycopodiella appressa appressed-leaved bog clubmoss, swamp bog clubmoss Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Lycopodiella appressa × L. inundata = L. ×gilmanii Gilman’s bog clubmoss Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Lycopodiella inundata northern bog clubmoss Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Lycopodium clavatum staghorn clubmoss Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Lycopodium lagopus one-cone clubmoss Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Pseudolycopodiella caroliniana Carolina clubmoss Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Spinulum annotinum common bristly clubmoss Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Spinulum annotinum × S. canadense hybrid bristly clubmoss Lycopodiaceae Y
Accepted Name Spinulum canadense northern bristly clubmoss Lycopodiaceae Y
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