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Plant species within the EUPHORBIACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our EUPHORBIACEAE family page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamily Native
Accepted Name Acalypha australis Asian three-seeded Mercury, Asian copperleaf Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Acalypha gracilens slender three-seeded Mercury Euphorbiaceae Y
Accepted Name Acalypha rhomboidea common three-seeded Mercury Euphorbiaceae Y
Accepted Name Acalypha setosa Cuban copperleaf Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Acalypha virginica Virginia three-seeded Mercury Euphorbiaceae Y
Accepted Name Croton capitatus woolly croton Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Croton glandulosus var. septentrionalis northern tooth-leaved croton, northern vente conmigo Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Euphorbia corollata flowering spurge Euphorbiaceae Y
Accepted Name Euphorbia cyparissias cypress spurge, graveyard spurge Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Euphorbia davidii David’s spurge Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Euphorbia epithymoides cushion spurge Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Euphorbia exigua dwarf spurge Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Euphorbia glyptosperma ridge-seeded spurge Euphorbiaceae Y
Accepted Name Euphorbia helioscopia wartweed Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Euphorbia hirta pillpod spurge Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Euphorbia hypericifolia graceful spurge Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Euphorbia hyssopifolia hyssop-leaved spurge Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Euphorbia ipecacuanhae ipecac spurge Euphorbiaceae Y
Accepted Name Euphorbia lathyris caper spurge, myrtle spurge, mole plant Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Euphorbia lucida shining spurge Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Euphorbia maculata spotted spurge Euphorbiaceae Y
Accepted Name Euphorbia marginata snow-on-the-mountain Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Euphorbia nutans upright spurge Euphorbiaceae Y
Accepted Name Euphorbia oblongata egg-leaved spurge Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Euphorbia ophthalmica Florida hammock sandmat Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Euphorbia peplus petty spurge Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Euphorbia platyphyllos broad-leaved spurge Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Euphorbia polygonifolia northern seaside spurge Euphorbiaceae Y
Accepted Name Euphorbia prostrata prostrate spurge Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Euphorbia serpens matted spurge Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Euphorbia vermiculata hairy spurge Euphorbiaceae Y
Accepted Name Euphorbia virgata slender spurge Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Mercurialis annua herb mercury, boys-and-girls Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Mercurialis perennis dog’s mercury Euphorbiaceae N
Accepted Name Ricinus communis castor bean Euphorbiaceae N
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