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Contains 36 accepted taxa overall.

Family: Asteraceae
Common Name:


Division Magnoliophyta - Flowering Plants
Class Magnoliopsida
Sub Class Asteridae
Order Asterales
Genus Symphyotrichum


Citation **
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Type: **

** Not applicable or data not available.


Scientific NameCommon NameStatus
Symphyotrichum boreale northern bog asterNative, Persisting, S2 (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 10
Symphyotrichum ciliatum rayless alkali asterNot Native, Persisting, SNA (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank)
Symphyotrichum ciliolatum Lindley’s asterNative, Persisting, S1 (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 5
Symphyotrichum concolor var. concolor eastern silvery asterNative, Persisting, SH (State Rank), G4? (Global Rank), CoC: 10
Symphyotrichum cordifolium heart-leaved asterNative, Persisting, S5 (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 4
Symphyotrichum cordifolium × S. puniceum = S. ×tardiflorum hybrid asterNative, SNA (State Rank), GNA (Global Rank)
Symphyotrichum dumosum bushy asterNative, Persisting, SNR (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 7
Symphyotrichum ericoides × S. novae-angliae = S. ×amethystinum amethyst asterNative, Persisting, SNA (State Rank), GNA (Global Rank)
Symphyotrichum ericoides var. ericoides heath asterNative, Persisting, S5 (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 1
Symphyotrichum firmum glossy-leaved asterNative, Persisting, S4 (State Rank), CoC: 3
Symphyotrichum laeve var. laeve smooth asterNative, Persisting, S5 (State Rank), G5T5 (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum   
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum var. interior small-headed asterNative, Persisting, SH (State Rank), G5T5 (Global Rank), CoC: 10
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum var. lanceolatum lance-leaved asterNative, Persisting, S5 (State Rank), G5TNR (Global Rank), CoC: 1
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum calico asterNative, Persisting, S5 (State Rank), G5T5 (Global Rank)
Symphyotrichum lowrieanum Lowrie’s asterNative, Persisting, S4 (State Rank), G3G5Q (Global Rank), CoC: 4
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae New England asterNative, Persisting, S5 (State Rank), CoC: 1
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii   
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii var. elodes narrow-leaved New York asterNative, SNR (State Rank), CoC: 10
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii var. novi-belgii common New York asterNative, Persisting, S5 (State Rank), G5T3T5 (Global Rank), CoC: 6
Symphyotrichum ontarionis Ontario asterNative, Persisting, S4 (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 3
Symphyotrichum oolentangiense sky-blue asterNative, Persisting, S1 (State Rank), CoC: 4
Symphyotrichum patens var. patens common late purple asterNative, Persisting, S4 (State Rank), G5T5 (Global Rank), CoC: 6
Symphyotrichum phlogifolium thin-leaved late purple asterNative, Persisting, S4 (State Rank)
Symphyotrichum pilosum   
Symphyotrichum pilosum var. pilosum frostweed asterNative, Persisting, S5 (State Rank), G5T5 (Global Rank)
Symphyotrichum pilosum var. pringlei Pringle’s asterNative, Persisting, S4 (State Rank), G5T5 (Global Rank)
Symphyotrichum praealtum willow-leaved asterNative, Persisting, S5 (State Rank), CoC: 8
Symphyotrichum prenanthoides crooked-stemmed asterNative, Persisting, S5 (State Rank), G4G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 3
Symphyotrichum puniceum var. puniceum purple-stemmed asterNative, Persisting, S5 (State Rank), G5T5 (Global Rank), CoC: 4
Symphyotrichum racemosum small white asterNative, Persisting, S5 (State Rank), G4G5 (Global Rank)
Symphyotrichum subulatum var. subulatum annual saltmarsh asterNative, Persisting, S2S3 (State Rank), GNR (Global Rank), CoC: 6
Symphyotrichum tenuifolium var. tenuifolium perennial saltmarsh asterNative, Persisting, S3S4 (State Rank), G5T5 (Global Rank), CoC: 7
Symphyotrichum tradescantii Tradescant’s asterNative, Persisting, S4S5 (State Rank), CoC: 9
Symphyotrichum undulatum wavy-leaved asterNative, Persisting, S5 (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 5
Symphyotrichum urophyllum arrow-leaved asterNative, Persisting, S5 (State Rank), G4G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 1