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Plant species within the HALORAGACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our HALORAGACEAE family page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamily Native
Accepted Name Myriophyllum alterniflorum alternate-flowered water milfoil Haloragaceae Y
Accepted Name Myriophyllum aquaticum parrot’s feather Haloragaceae N
Accepted Name Myriophyllum farwellii Farwell’s water milfoil Haloragaceae Y
Accepted Name Myriophyllum heterophyllum various-leaved water milfoil, variable-leaved water milfoil Haloragaceae Y
Accepted Name Myriophyllum humile low water milfoil Haloragaceae Y
Accepted Name Myriophyllum pinnatum cut-leaved water milfoil Haloragaceae Y
Accepted Name Myriophyllum sibiricum northern water milfoil Haloragaceae Y
Accepted Name Myriophyllum spicatum Eurasian water milfoil Haloragaceae N
Accepted Name Myriophyllum tenellum slender water milfoil Haloragaceae Y
Accepted Name Myriophyllum verticillatum whorled water milfoil Haloragaceae Y
Accepted Name Proserpinaca palustris marsh mermaid weed Haloragaceae Y
Accepted Name Proserpinaca pectinata comb-leaved mermaid weed Haloragaceae Y
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