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Coincya monensis ssp. recurvata

Species:Coincya monensis (L.) Greuter & Burdet ssp. recurvata (All.) Leadley
Common Name:coincya
Habitat:Ledges, cliffs, and bases of cliffs adjacent to roads; roadsides.
Associated Ecological Communities:**
Growth Habit:Forb/herb
Plant Notes:See Naczi and Thieret (1996) for a history of the introduction and spread of this species in North America and New York. It is likely this species has become more common in New York than current records indicate.
Taxonomic Notes:**
Status:Not Native, Naturalized, SNA (State Rank)
References:Naczi and Thieret 1996.

** Not applicable or data not available.


Order Brassicales
Genus Coincya
SpeciesCoincya monensis (L.) Greuter & Burdet ssp. recurvata (All.) Leadley - coincya


Citation Coincya monensis (L.) Greuter & Burdet ssp. recurvata (All.) Leadley
Basionym: **
Type: **

** Not applicable or data not available.


CountyYearHerbariaNotesSubmission Info
Chemung2012 BH
Herbarium Name Used: Coincya monensis ssp. recurvata
Werier (2017) voucher!; D. Werier 4422 3/6/2018 - David Werier
Orange1995 KNK
Herbarium Name Used: Coincya monensis
Record from Naczi and Thieret 1996 2/10/2009 - David Werier
Steuben1994 NYS
Herbarium Name Used: Coincya monensis
Record from Naczi and Thieret 1996 2/10/2009 - David Werier


SynonymFull CitationBasionymTypeNotes
Coincya monensis var. recurvata Coincya monensis (L.) Greuter & Burdet var. recurvata (All.) Leadley