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Vaccinium cespitosum

Species:Vaccinium cespitosum Michx.
Common Name:dwarf bilberry
Associated Ecological Communities:**
Growth Habit:Subshrub, Shrub
Plant Notes:Camp (1942) recognized V. cespitosum as well as various other closely related species. Kartesz (1994) lumped some of these species and recognized two varieties (var. cespitosum and paludicola) under V. cespitosum of which, only var. cespitosum is known from New York. Further work on section Myrtillus by Vander Kloet and Dickinson (1999) also resulted in the lumping of many of the taxa Camp recognized and left V. cespitosum without any subspecific taxa. When Michaux (1803) first published this name he spelled the specific epithet "cespitosum". Some authors (Camp 1942, Vander Kloet and Dickinson 1999) have altered the spelling to "caespitosum" but article 60 of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (McNeill et al. 2006) clearly states that the original spelling is to be retained.
Taxonomic Notes:**
Status:Native, Endangered-State, S1 (State Rank), G5T5 (Global Rank), CoC: 10

** Not applicable or data not available.


Order Ericales
Genus Vaccinium
SpeciesVaccinium cespitosum Michx. - dwarf bilberry


Citation Vaccinium cespitosum Michx.
Basionym: **
Type: **

** Not applicable or data not available.


CountyYearHerbariaNotesSubmission Info
Essex  NYFA_1990
Herbarium Name Used: none Vaccinium cespitosum
Essex1919 BKL – BKL00055882
Herbarium Name Used: Vaccinium cespitosum
  2/8/2012 - BKL (Steve Glenn)
Essex1919 BKL – BKL00055881
Herbarium Name Used: Vaccinium cespitosum
  2/8/2012 - BKL (Steve Glenn)
Essex1884 BH
Herbarium Name Used: Vaccinium cespitosum
Werier (2017) voucher!; W.R. Dudley s.n. 3/6/2018 - David Werier
Sullivan1986 BKL – BKL00055880
Herbarium Name Used: Vaccinium cespitosum
  2/8/2012 - BKL (Steve Glenn)
Warren  NYFA_1990
Herbarium Name Used: none Vaccinium cespitosum


No synonyms exist for this species.