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Prunus mahaleb

Species:Prunus mahaleb L.
Common Name:perfumed cherry
Habitat:Rock outcrops, ledges, bluffs, talus slopes, roadsides, and disturbed sites. Usually in or near human created disturbances.
Associated Ecological Communities:**
Growth Habit:Tree, Shrub
Plant Notes:**
Taxonomic Notes:**
Status:Not Native, Naturalized, SNA (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank)

** Not applicable or data not available.


Order Rosales
Genus Prunus
SpeciesPrunus mahaleb L. - perfumed cherry


Citation Prunus mahaleb L.
Basionym: **
Type: **

** Not applicable or data not available.


CountyYearHerbariaNotesSubmission Info
Cayuga2002 BH
Herbarium Name Used: Prunus mahaleb
Werier (2017) voucher!; D. Werier 1027 3/6/2018 - David Werier
Genesee  NYFA_1990
Herbarium Name Used: none Prunus mahaleb
Livingston  NYFA_1990
Herbarium Name Used: none Prunus mahaleb
New York1887 NY
Herbarium Name Used: none Prunus mahaleb
Niagara1989 BH
Herbarium Name Used: Prunus mahaleb
collector: P.M.Eckel 5/10/2023 - Patricia Eckel
Niagara2023 BH
Herbarium Name Used: Prunus mahaleb
collector: P.M.Eckel s.n. 9/21/2023 - David Werier
Onondaga  NYFA_1990
Herbarium Name Used: none Prunus mahaleb
Ontario1983 FLH
Herbarium Name Used: Prunus mahaleb
  3/13/2022 - FLH (Bruce Gilman)
Rensselaer  NYFA_1990
Herbarium Name Used: none Prunus mahaleb
Richmond1890 PH
Herbarium Name Used: none Prunus mahaleb
Richmond1893 NY
Herbarium Name Used: none Prunus mahaleb
Richmond1902 NY
Herbarium Name Used: none Prunus mahaleb
Richmond1890 NY
Herbarium Name Used: none Prunus mahaleb
Saratoga  NYFA_1990
Herbarium Name Used: none Prunus mahaleb
Schuyler  NYFA_1990
Herbarium Name Used: none Prunus mahaleb
Steuben  NYFA_1990
Herbarium Name Used: none Prunus mahaleb
Ulster  NYFA_1990
Herbarium Name Used: none Prunus mahaleb
Warren1956 PH
Herbarium Name Used: none Prunus mahaleb
Westchester1891 NY
Herbarium Name Used: none Prunus mahaleb


No synonyms exist for this species.