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Pilosella officinarum × P. piloselloides = P. ×acutifolia

Species:Pilosella officinarum × P. piloselloides = P. ×acutifolia (Vill.) Arv.-Touv.
Common Name:sharp-leaved hawkweed
Habitat:Successional fields, pastures, and dry gravelly slopes.
Associated Ecological Communities:**
Growth Habit:Herbaceous
Plant Notes:**
Taxonomic Notes:**
Status:Not Native, Unknown Naturalized Status, SNA (State Rank), GNA (Global Rank)

** Not applicable or data not available.


Order Asterales
Genus Pilosella
SpeciesPilosella officinarum × P. piloselloides = P. ×acutifolia (Vill.) Arv.-Touv. - sharp-leaved hawkweed


Citation Pilosella officinarum × P. piloselloides = P. ×acutifolia (Vill.) Arv.-Touv.
Basionym: **
Type: **

** Not applicable or data not available.


CountyYearHerbariaNotesSubmission Info
Chemung1982 BH – BH 000 010 731
Herbarium Name Used: Hieracium x brachiatum
  2/7/2009 - David Werier
Chemung1940 BH – BH 000 010 728
Herbarium Name Used: Hieracium x brachiatum
  2/7/2009 - David Werier
Chemung1940 BH – BH 000 010 729
Herbarium Name Used: Hieracium x brachiatum
  2/7/2009 - David Werier
Chemung1982 BH
Herbarium Name Used: Pilosella officinarum × P. piloselloides = P. ×acutifolia
Werier (2017) voucher!; E.A. Cope & R. Dirig 307 3/6/2018 - David Werier
Chemung1940 BH
Herbarium Name Used: Pilosella officinarum × P. piloselloides = P. ×acutifolia
Werier (2017) voucher!; S.J. Smith 1492 3/6/2018 - David Werier
Chemung1940 BH
Herbarium Name Used: Pilosella officinarum × P. piloselloides = P. ×acutifolia
Werier (2017) voucher!; S.J. Smith 1492 3/6/2018 - David Werier


SynonymFull CitationBasionymTypeNotes
Hieracium pilosella × H. piloselloides = H. ×brachiatum Hieracium pilosella × Hieracium piloselloides = Hieracium ×brachiatum Bertol. ex DC.   
Pilosella ×brachiata Pilosella ×brachiata (DC.) F. W. Schultz & Sch. Bip.