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Contains 47 accepted taxa overall.

Family: Rosaceae
Common Name:


Division Magnoliophyta - Flowering Plants
Class Magnoliopsida
Sub Class Rosidae
Order Rosales
Genus Crataegus


Citation **
Basionym: **
Type: **

** Not applicable or data not available.


Scientific NameCommon NameStatus
Crataegus biltmoreana Biltmore hawthornNative, Persisting, SNR (State Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus brainerdii Brainerd’s hawthornNative, Persisting, SNR (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus calpodendron late hawthornNative, Persisting, S4? (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus chrysocarpa var. chrysocarpa common fireberry hawthornNative, Persisting, S4 (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus coccinea   
Crataegus coccinea var. coccinea scarlet hawthornNative, Persisting, S4 (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus coccinea var. pringlei Pringle’s hawthornNative, Persisting, SNR (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus coccinioides Kansas hawthornNative, Persisting, SNR (State Rank), G4? (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus cognata related hawthornNative, SNR (State Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus crus-galli var. crus-galli cockspur hawthornNative, Persisting, S5 (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus dissona dissonant hawthornNative, SNR (State Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus dodgei Dodge’s hawthornNative, SNR (State Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus flabellata   
Crataegus flabellata var. flabellata fan-leaved hawthornNative, SNR (State Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus flabellata var. grayana Gray’s hawthornNative, Persisting, SNR (State Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus flavida yellow hawthornNative, SNR (State Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus florifera flowering hawthornNative, SNR (State Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus fluviatilis river hawthornNative, SNR (State Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus forbesiae Forbes’s hawthornNative, Persisting, SNR (State Rank), G2G4Q (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus fulleriana Fuller’s hawthornNative, SNR (State Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus holmesiana Holmes’s hawthornNative, Persisting, SNR (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus intricata entangled hawthornNative, Persisting, SNR (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus irrasa New York hawthornNative, Persisting, SH (State Rank), G4? (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus jesupii Jesup’s hawthornNative, Persisting, SH (State Rank), G4G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus laurentiana Laurentian hawthornNative, Persisting, SNR (State Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus levis slender-thorned hawthornNative, SNR (State Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus lucorum grove hawthornNative, Persisting, SNR (State Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus lumaria thorny hawthornNative, S1 (State Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus macracantha large-thorned hawthornNative, Persisting, SNR (State Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus macrosperma large-seeded hawthornNative, Persisting, S5 (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus magniflora large-flowered hawthornNative, S1 (State Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus monogyna × C. punctata = C. ×ninae-celottiae Nina Celotti’s hawthornNot Native, Persisting, SNA (State Rank), GNA (Global Rank)
Crataegus monogyna var. monogyna one-seeded hawthornNot Native, Persisting, SNA (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank)
Crataegus pennsylvanica Pennsylvania hawthornNative, S1 (State Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus persimilis plum-leaved hawthornNative, SH (State Rank), G5? (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus phaenopyrum Washington hawthornNot Native, SNA (State Rank)
Crataegus populnea poplar hawthornNative, Persisting, SNR (State Rank), G5?Q (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus praecox early-fruiting hawthornNative, SH (State Rank), G4G5Q (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus pruinosa frosted hawthornNative, Persisting, S4 (State Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus punctata dotted hawthornNative, Persisting, S4 (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus scabrida rough hawthornNative, Persisting, SNR (State Rank), G5? (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus schuettei var. schuettei Schuette’s hawthornNative, Persisting, SNR (State Rank), G5? (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus straminea straw-colored hawthornNative, SH (State Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus submollis northern downy hawthornNative, Persisting, SNR (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus suborbiculata semi-orbicular leaved hawthornNative, Persisting, SNR (State Rank), G3? (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus succulenta var. succulenta succulent hawthornNative, Persisting, S4 (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 2
Crataegus uniflora one-flowered hawthornNative, Persisting, SH (State Rank), G5 (Global Rank), CoC: 2